The Ross Preschool
She literally bounces in the door each morning with a big smile and runs up to her teacher for her morning hug. After a quick cuddle with mom, she goes straight to the art and sensory area where she finds a bowl filled with ooey-gooey slime. She hesitates for a moment, then pokes it a couple times with her finger. Then, before we have a moment to roll-up her sleeves, she goes “all in” with both hands.
Soon enough it’s time for morning meeting and Caroline skips over to the bathroom to wash her hands and then returns to the carpet where the rest of the class is assembled. This morning the teacher is reading one of her favorite books, The Kissing Hand. Caroline knows many of the words and is happy to “read along” with her teacher. After the book is finished, Caroline is reminded that Dani, her music teacher, will be coming later that morning. When the morning meeting is finished, Caroline and her friend Alex decide to visit the dress-up area. Caroline initially pulls out a princess dress before deciding on a fire fighter uniform. Alex goes for the princess dress and also decides to accentuate it with a bright yellow hard hat. The next 45 minutes or so of their dramatic play time are filled with both conversation and giggles.
The girls hear the teachers softly announce that it’s almost time to clean up for snack and continue playing unfazed until the lights are dimmed and the “clean-up song” is sung. The fire fighter and construction princess transform back into preschool students and they go wash their hands and take their snacks and water bottles from their cubbies.
During snack the teachers have turned off the lights and lit a red candle. The flame flickers softly in the center of Caroline’s table while she chats quietly with her friends sitting around the table. Caroline finishes her snack, takes a big swig of water from her water bottle and picks up a book from the bookshelf to enjoy quietly.

Once all the other students finish their snacks, it’s time to head outside. Caroline goes straight to one of the water tables where she joins another friend who is already there. Caroline picks up a clear pitcher, fills it with water and empties it carefully into one of the funnels. She watches the water surge through the clear pipes before spilling back into the table. Caroline repeats the process several times before setting down the pitcher and moseying over to another play area. She spots a free scooter, hops on and joins several other friends as they drive around, carefully navigating around the other children.
Caroline and her friends are told they should do one more lap and then it’s time to head inside for lunch. She completes a victory lap, parks the scooter and heads into the classroom to prepare for lunch.
After lunch she has time to paint with some water colors and then comes to the carpet for our end-of-day “Mystery Reader”. Caroline smiles ear to ear and jumps up when she sees today’s mystery reader –mom’s here! Caroline’s mom reads a book to the class and then the teachers excuse her and several other students to head home.
As Caroline skips down the path with mom, she waves goodbye to some of her friends who are just about to go on a nature hike during the after-care program.

Education begins the moment we see children as innately wise and capable beings. Only then can we play along in their world.
Vince Gowmon