

Site Director


Site Director

With generations of educators in her family, Sydney’s love of education is in her blood.

Sydney pursued her passion at the University of Arizona earning a B.A. in Elementary Education and her M.A. in Education at Northern Arizona University. While teaching K-2 students in Arizona, Sydney’s experience included working with diverse cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds, leading the math program and serving as a mentor to student teachers.

After taking time off to raise her children, Sydney resumed her passion for teaching kids in 2017 to serve as a “personal trainer” for pre-schoolers with Amazing Athletes in Marin.

Sydney is a climate refugee escaping the Arizona heat to Marin in 2012 with her husband Andy, and children, Andrew and Lucy.

Sydney’s interests include cooking, entertaining, playing Pickleball and hanging out on the beach with her family. In Dec 2020 Sydney and her family welcomed a new puppy named “Bear” into her family.

Education begins the moment we see children as innately wise and capable beings. Only then can we play along in their world.

Vince Gowmon