Filled With Happy Children & Families
The Ross Preschool dates back to the early 1950’s. The preschool / nursery school located in downtown Ross (Ross Valley, California) was operated by a number of important stewards including St. John’s Church, Ross Recreation, and the Town of Ross. Our preschool has been lucky to have such a wonderful group of people and organizations caring for it.
In 2018 the Town of Ross transferred the operations of The Ross Preschool to a 501(c)3 non-profit. The Head of School, David Allen-Hughes and his team continue to provide the same high quality program we’re known for. David, a former elementary school teacher and principal, has decades of experience creating loving, engaging spaces for children.
With a play-based program based on current brain research and best practices, our sweet little preschool is set to continue making a positive difference in the lives of children for decades to come.
We hope that your child and family will become a part of our story.

If a student leaves my classroom with new skills I’ve done my job. If a child leaves my classroom knowing they are loved and accepted for who they are, I’ve reached my goal.